We are pleased to be able to sell Mallory (CMW), Tuffaloy,
Tipaloy, and Pacific electrodes and
electrode holders
in any quantity desired. Typical delivery is only a few days.
Whether a straight tip, or double-bend electrode, we can get it for you.
I've enlarged this section now at the request of many
customers to include information on
Stud welding
Nut welding electrodes. Please
click on the link to go to those pages.
Prices and catalogs are available on request, and are
normally shipped out via UPS the same day.
Special electrodes are available on request. These
typically take longer to recieve, as we either have to make them, or purchase
them from the above venders.
Below, I've reproduced
a table from Mallory for Straight electrodes. This might help you in
choosing a few of the more commonly used electrodes.